Welder’s Training and Certification (WTC)
We offer training and certifications for welders both for on-land
and offshore operations.

OCO Group has a Welding Training Centre managed by Nigerians for training, testing and certification of welders in support of the Federal Government’s local content initiative to provide indigenous professional welders matching the competences of expatriate welders. The Centre is certified by Nigerian Institute of Welding (NIW) as Authorized Training Body (ATB) of International Institute of Welding (IIW). It’s affiliated to ITW owner of Hobart Welding Institute, USA
OCO Nigeria’s first appointed product and service distributor of Miller welding machines and Hobart welding products started welding training about a decade ago by offering Miller approved courses to its technical and marketing staff, and technical staff of clients. Now the training program is accredited by International Institute of Welding (IIW) through Nigeria Institute of Welding (NIW). OCO Training Centre is an Authorized Training Body (ATB) of NIW.
OCO Welding Training & Certification Centre is a Nigerian-owned training outfit managed by Nigerians. The Centre’s mission is:
- To support the Federal Government’s local content initiative by providing indigenous professional welders.
- To join hands with other capacity enhancement agencies (both government and nongovernment organizations) to equip youths with skills enabling them to be self-employed and eventually employers of skilled labour
- To liaise with other training institutions globally to uplift the practice of professional welding in Nigeria
The Centre is totally committed to HSE and QA/QC. All manufacturers represented by OCO in Nigeria are ISO-certified, and the fabrication operation is SON certified.
OCO is distributor to the following reputable global manufacturers, and stocks all their products, making them available to the Centre for welder training and testing:
- Miller Electric (Welding Machines and Accessories)
- Sullair (Air Compressors and Accessories) Exclusive distributor in Nigeria
- Hobart Brothers (Welding Rods and Accessories)
- Phoenix International (Electrode Stabilizing Ovens) Exclusive
- Trystar Cables (Welding Cables and Accessories) Exclusive
OCO is the only accredited Service Agent in Nigeria for ITW-Miller, AEC Technology and E.H.WACHS manufacturers of Welding Machines, Heat Treatment Machines and Pipe machining tools.
In addition to training, OCO Welding Training & Centre is equipped to carry out welding procedure qualification (PQR).
Trainees of the OCO Welding Training & Certification Centre are sourced from –
- Young school leavers who want to take up a career in welding;
- Individuals who are experienced welders but desire to upgrade their skills;
- Companies wishing to upgrade the competence of their welders; and governments (federal, state and local tiers), NGOs, exploration, production, construction and/or service companies that desire to undertake welding skill acquisition programs for the benefit of their citizens, host communities, etc.